5 Items Best Left Out of Overhead Cabinet

Kitchen organization can be as puzzling as a Rubik’s Cube. Fret not, dear culinary connoisseurs, for we’ve devised a clever storage scheme that employs the artful use of kitchen wall overhead cabinet and lower cabinet storage. Choosing the right wall cabinet for specific items can transform your kitchen into a culinary haven. Bid adieu to the chaos of mislaid lids and elusive utensils. In this whimsically instructive guide, you’ll uncover the secrets of what not to tuck away in those lofty cabinets.

#1: Banish the Slumbering Appliances

Banish the Slumbering Appliances

Have you ever pampered yourself with a luxurious espresso machine or indulged your kids with an ice cream maker, only to watch them gather dust like relics from a bygone era? Well, you’re not alone! These rarely-used appliances, including coffee contraptions, dessert creators, and baking gizmos, are best suited for the attic, ensconced in their original packaging, waiting for that fateful day when they’re called into action. Our trusty kitchen wall cabinets are reserved for the items that play a daily part in our culinary symphony.

#2: Divorce Cleaning Supplies

Divorce Cleaning Supplies

There’s a good reason why soaps and cleaning elixirs are kept far from our beloved comestibles, even in the hallowed halls of grocery stores. These chemical-laden potions, with their aromatic artificial scents, should never be bedfellows with your delectable pantry goods and precious crockery. Separation is key to avoid an olfactory détente, making it prudent to stow your cleaning arsenal far from these coveted cabinets.

#3: Don’t Pile Up the Pots and Pans

Don't Pile Up the Pots and Pans

Stacking pots and pans in your kitchen wall cabinets is a practice better left in the annals of culinary history. Not only does this precarious act risk a concussion from tumbling cookware, but it’s also impractical, particularly for those with a few more culinary miles on their journey. If you must house your culinary artillery in overhead cabinets, opt for cabinet organizers to ensure your pots and pans remain obediently in place.

#4: Spare the Cooking Cutlery

Spare the Cooking Cutlery

For most of us, reaching for items stored in overhead cabinets can be a lofty endeavor. The challenge multiplies when you’re in a frantic search amidst clutter. The culinary cutlery, comprising spoons, whisks, and spatulas, deserves better.

These kitchen warriors are best housed in drawers with partitioned compartments for swift access. So, unless you possess the eyes of an eagle, leave the overhead cabinets for other essentials, or employ a handy hook rail for your utensil squadron.

#5: Preserve the Perishables

Preserve the Perishables

In the realm of kitchen wall cabinets, some victuals should roam freely, while others must be kept under lock and key. When properly ensconced, certain victuals enjoy an extended shelf life, but when subjected to neglectful treatment, they may birth the uninvited guests of mold and spoilage. Perishable denizens such as eggs, vegetables, opened jars of jams, pickles, ketchup bottles, and even wine should not seek refuge in these cabinets.

So, what shall grace your wall cabinets?

  • Crockery: Elevate your daily-use dishes to a position of prominence in these kitchen wall overhead cabinet. The space above the sink is ideal for easy access and effortless tidying.

  • Coffee Mugs and Glassware: For the daily ritual of caffeine and other beverages, let your glasses and coffee mugs find their rightful perch in the upper cabinets.

  • Dry Goods and Spices: In the absence of a dedicated pantry or tall storage unit, these cabinets are perfect for housing dry packaged goods like pasta, rice, and flour. Non-refrigerated and canned provisions also find a comfortable home here.

  • Storage Containers: Empty containers find their sanctuary in lower cabinets, but if you’re a daily user, allocate a cabinet conveniently located above an empty counter space for effortless lunch preparation.

  • Cutting Boards and Cookbooks: Your trusty cutting boards and culinary wisdom tomes can coexist harmoniously within these kitchen wall overhead cabinet.

  • Oils: Preserve cooking oils in tightly sealed containers, away from the prying eyes of light, heat, and air.

  • Tea and Coffee: Guard your coffee grounds and tea leaves from moisture’s embrace by housing them in cabinets where clumping is but a distant nightmare.

In the grand culinary orchestration, the right notes are struck when each item is accorded its rightful place within the symphony of your kitchen overhead cabinet. Happy cooking, and may your wall cabinets be filled with only the finest of culinary treasures!